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Newsletter Rehabilitation Sciences
- 15th June 2021 -
Symposium Re-integratie werkt!
At the end of April the master education of Occupational Science organised the first edition of the online symposium Re-integratie werkt! Een focus op arbeidsparticipatie. This in collaboration with partners VDAB, RIZIV, GTB and UZ Gent.
It was very successful with around 400 participants from Flanders and Wallonia. During the plenary sessions and workshops a few special guest were also welcomed, such as Flemish Minister of Work Hilde Crevits and Federal Minister of Health Care Frank Vandenbroucke. The event was completely coronaproof and live streamed from the UGent Aula.
Sarie seeks subjects

For the VIS-Flanders project our colleague Sarie Martens is looking for a few control children (age 4-5) for the hearing and balance tests. Those will take place in July at Ghent University Hospital (max. 2 hours).
Can you help out Sarie? Read more here.

Interdisciplinary Medical & Health Seminars
This Thursday Dr. Sam Scott (University of Bern) is invited by our department and for the IMHS he will give a lecture on “The professional athlete with type 1 diabetes: applying knowledge from clinical research to improve performance and health in this unique group of athletes”.
Read more and sign up
Buddy programme for international staff
The faculty is starting a buddy programme where new international staff and PhD students are paired with local staff. The local staff will welcome the incoming international staff and PhD students, show them around the department and be the first point of contact for practical questions. It is entirely up to the person himself how to interpret this responsibility.
Would you like to support this? Register yourself as a buddy here.
Annual conference Occupational therapy

During the last annual conference Occupational Therapy on April 26 colleague prof. Dominique Van de Velde was invited for a keynote speech on self-management with people with chronical disorders.
A year later than initially planned the conference was held digitally under the strict supervision of the RIVM (the Dutch counterpart of the RIZIV) and was fully livestreamed on location in ‘s Hertogenbosch. A unusual experience to perform digitally for 800 participants. The quality of the lecture was rated excellent by 85% of the participants, unique according to the Dutch colleagues. Congrats Dominique!

External vacancies

The Belgian Royal Academy of Medicine has seven vacant positions for (domestic) regular members. Candidacies to be submitted online, July 31 at the latest.
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Postdoctoral researcher Sleep Revolution (100%) at the department of Internal Medicine and Pediatrics (GE35).
Read more

Summer course Ethics in Dementia Care
July 6-9 2021, 7th edition - online via Zoom
Organised by the Centre for Biomedical Ethics (KU Leuven). National and international experts will give a lecture on several ethical topics in health care for persons with dementia.
Read more and sign up
Congrats Katrien!
Last month our colleague Katrien Kestens was awarded. She won the second prize of the Young Investigator Award during the Online 15th Congress of European Federation of Audiology Societies with her presentation “Cognition in relation to listening effort: speech understanding from an auditory-cognitive perspective.
Questions, remarks or suggestions for the newsletter?
Speak up via thibault.bonte@ugent.be!